Friday, October 30, 2009


Because I won't know you're human
Until you dance
Robots don't dance
And if you are a robot
I need to know now
Human beings sweat
They breath heavy
And they look ridiculous
So if you are a woman
If you are a human
I must insist that you dance
Or prance
Move and shake your hands
And don't stop until you sweat
And don't tell me you can't dance
Nobody tells 5 year olds they can't dance
So nobody should tell you
Dance, damn it
Wiggle and shake
And don't stop until you sweat
That's how I know
You are the girl for me


Monday, October 26, 2009

No One

Her lips wrapped around me like deep organ music
Low & vibrating
Dark & expansive
Covered and concealed by the darkness of her love
Each note a tremor in my body
Every hold an embrace
Every embrace an eternity
My heart was violet with love
Tickled and trapped in my own giggles
Softened and startled by her hands
My words were wonderment
My thumbs could only draw question marks on her body
Her eyes
Ending all my sentences with points of exclamation
Leaving me on the edge of ecstasy
She was a deep dark darling of desire
And me
Need I even tell you I was hers


Thursday, October 22, 2009


Featured: Richard T. Boehmcke growling at Gillian Dodds
Photo: Gail Camacho

Monday, October 19, 2009

The River

The river can’t take you anywhere if you’re just standing on the bank ~ RTB

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Silversteinesque Poem

There's a freckle on my knuckle
It's causing me to chuckle
I first came across it
While I was tightening my buckle
History is full of examples of people who didn't discover their real creative abilities until they discovered the media in which they thought best. - Sir Ken Robinson