Tallish with angles
Red hair and freckles
Character splashed on her face
Like epidermal spreckles
Sneakers and glasses
A bag in each arm
A subway creature
Never exuded such charm
The music she heard
And the rhythm she knew
Predicted her movements
And the things that she'd do
Stoic and still
Yet not angry or stern
Her motivations I pondered
I wanted to learn
Where was she going
And where was she from
Had she known many places
Had she seen some
The motions still hidden
Her interest still dry
The odds that I'd meet her
Were anything but high
So I'd wait out the train ride
Sneaking my glances
Hoping she'd notice
Sensing my advances
Ah but it was last stop, all out
She would dare not linger
And better she didn't
For there was a ring on her finger