100 missed apologies
In which we found our fears
Amalgamated weaknesses
Compounded through the years
A sadness filtered threefold
Throughout both you and I
A dangling partial question
Of why we shouldn't try
A mixed up messy misery
Upon which we laid bare
Just items on a blanket
One thought, One hope, One care
Our blissfulness and ineptitude
Worn across us like a shawl
"Our future lies behind us"
She saidn a mournful drawl
A suitcase full of memories
And a a timeline full of never
All becuase he wasted time
Dwelling on his clever
"There are things I've never told you love
There are things you'll never know
Because these partial sentiments
Were all that I could show"
And so they left each other
Exactly as they found
Two boats that could not lose their course
Until they ran aground